Unleashing the Full Potential of Your Project Manager: A Guide for Agency Owners

Maximize your project manager's potential by broadening their roles beyond just managing scope, time, and budget. Learn how they can contribute to process improvements, resource management, new hires training, and business decision-making, fostering agency growth.

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July 25, 2023

As an agency owner, you might have asked yourself, "Just what else can my project manager do?" It's not uncommon to wonder about the full spectrum of tasks that a project manager can handle. After all, their primary job is to manage scope, time, and budget. However, their role can extend much further, making them an invaluable asset to your team and your agency's growth.

Expanding Their Role Post-Onboarding

Once your project manager has been onboarded and integrated into your team, it's time to broaden their responsibilities. Don't overwhelm them with multiple new tasks all at once. Instead, ease them into additional roles gradually, thereby keeping their job interesting and providing them opportunities for career growth.

Initiating Process Improvements

Invite your project manager to analyze your existing processes. Encourage them to identify areas for improvement and devise strategies to implement more efficient practices. This might involve enhancing project processes or leveraging automations to save time. Your project manager, having a keen understanding of your team's workflows, is perfectly positioned to suggest meaningful enhancements.

Taking Charge of Resource Management

Project managers can take on the role of resource managers, deciding how best to assign tasks among team members. They can determine which team member should undertake a new project, considering their current workload and skill set. This not only streamlines the allocation of work but also takes a significant burden off your shoulders.

Training New Team Members

Your project manager can play an instrumental role in onboarding and training new hires. This not only familiarizes new employees with the team's processes but also provides the project manager with a deepened understanding of their own role. Furthermore, training others can imbue your project manager with a sense of pride and ownership, leading to increased job satisfaction.

Involving Project Managers in Decision Making

Involving your project manager in business decision-making can offer them a sense of belonging and ownership. This engagement in the company's future not only motivates them but also provides you with a different perspective.

By optimizing your project manager's responsibilities, you can free up time for upper management, allowing them to focus on strategic growth. Your project manager can become an irreplaceable asset, contributing significantly to your agency's growth and success.

In conclusion, expanding the role of your project manager can bring about manifold benefits, both for the individual and your agency. So, why wait? Start identifying tasks and areas where your project manager can contribute more and let them unleash their full potential!

Maximize your project manager's potential by broadening their roles beyond just managing scope, time, and budget. Learn how they can contribute to process improvements, resource management, new hires training, and business decision-making, fostering agency growth.